Hair boom

Hair booms and mats

It's no secret that hair absorbs oil --- we’ve all had oily hair at some point!

It was this simple idea that led to the concept of hair booms and hair mats. An American hairdresser back in 1989 named Phil McCroy came up with the idea of using hair to stop the spread of oil in the sea.

​Essentially, a hair boom is hair cuttings of any length or colour tightly packed into cotton or nylon tubes. When placed in either water or on the shores of beaches, these booms will stop oil from spreading, saving wildlife and the natural landscape.  ​

Hair mats can be used in a similar way to the booms, they can be used on land, parks, gardens and even your street or driveway. Hair mats can be used for oil or water and there have already been great results seen when used by plumbers, mechanics, and in local parks.

We are sending all of your hair clippings to The Green Salon Collective. YOUR hair is now having a second life, and doing a great thing for our environment.

Recycling YOUR hair

One of the first things we learn about hair is that it is a protein and, like other proteins, it will breakdown when composted. It is also rich in nitrogen which is excellent food for plants. 

So throwing away hair is like throwing away food! 

The Green Salon Collective give hair that doesn't make it to a boom or a mat to local farmers and gardeners. But we still encourage you to to try adding it to your home compost! It will enrich your homegrown or allotment veggies. Please let us know if you would like a bag.

This is one more step towards a more sustainable future for Nashwhite. Thank you for your ongoing support.